Biblical Theology by Shai Linne

Biblical Theology by Shai Linne – including the lyrics and a music video for this song off the album The Church Called & Collected.

Biblical Theology by Shai Linne

Biblical Theology by Shai Linne

Mic Check 1, 2. 1, 2. For You. Yea!
You Know What I am Saying?
Word Up! Biblical Theology.
The Study of the person of God attributes.

God’s Word is like a breeze in the tropics
And Jesus got the keys to the cockpit
He’s the King, the Priest and the Prophet

So please watch as we proceed with the topic
And that’s Biblical Theology
That phrase alone, it gives some people allergies
They say it’s not practical enough
“Just give me Jesus, that will be enough”
That seems plausible and logical
Nobody wants to be all cold and theological
But being a theologian is not optional
Because when you talk about Christ, you’re saying something doctrinal
Either it actually portrays His majesty
Or it’s a travesty- or else blasphemy
You can do a global search
This mark is crucial to the health of a local church

The Christian life is a difficult odyssey
The faithful are a statistical anomaly
The enemy wants to trick us hypnotically
That’s why we need that Biblical Theology

Lord God, deliver us from apostasy
The human heart is given to idolatry
The situation is critical- we gotta see
The Importance of Biblical Theology

What do I mean by Biblical Theology?
The whole theme of the Scripture, and God’s the key
It’s following the bible’s storyline
And the ultimate goal is seeing God’s glory shine
What He starts, He finishes with dedication
A work of art from Genesis to Revelation
From God’s creation, creation
To man’s fall to redemption to consummation
His designs and structure each time will fluster
What mind can instruct the Divine Conductor?
His worthiness sits enthroned in the heavens
Sturdy and fixed- Romans 11: 36
Biblical Theology encompasses
Who God is, what He promises and accomplishes
So clever, we behold His endeavors unfold
The greatest story ever told

The Christian life is a difficult odyssey
The faithful are a statistical anomaly
The enemy wants to trick us hypnotically
That’s why we need that Biblical Theology

Lord God, deliver us from apostasy
The human heart is given to idolatry
The situation is critical- we gotta see
The Importance of Biblical Theology

The Lord has not decided to keep us guessing
He gave us the Word, providing us correction
And the Spirit for guidance and direction
Biblical Theology is like protection
from ourselves and our improper reflections
so we can follow the Bible and not just our affections
Otherwise, we will chop it into sections
And not make the connections- like the doctrine of election
And Satan is waiting to slice us into mincemeat
if our faith is a mile wide and an inch deep
Theology is like the root of a tree
which determines how rich the fruit is gonna be
And by God’s grace, He’ll breathe on us with His breath
Lead us in His steps, show us His eagerness to bless
And we’ll experience true peace within our depths
Because we’ll know the meaning of Jesus and His death

The Christian life is a difficult odyssey
The faithful are a statistical anomaly
The enemy wants to trick us hypnotically
That’s why we need that Biblical Theology

Lord God, deliver us from apostasy
The human heart is given to idolatry
The situation is critical- we gotta see
The Importance of Biblical Theology

Lyric from Musix Match

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