The Bible when aired was an epic 5-week TV mini-series that premiered March 2013 on the History Channel from Emmy winning husband & wife team, Mark Burnett & Roma Downey. This is my unbiased review. The Bible is 10 hours in length and a rating of 7.4 out of 10 according to the IMBd. It also has 10 episodes on 4 DVD disc. This is considered a documentary. It is rated TV-14. There is some violence in this series.
The Bible is the story of God’s creation of the Earth and the landmark events leading up to the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
On the back of the DVD case it tells us this about The Bible The Epic Miniseries … Breathtaking in scope and scale, The Bible features powerful performances, exotic locales and dazzling visual effects that breathe spectacular life into the dramatic tales of faith and courage from Genesis through Revelation. This historic television event is sure to entertain and inspire the whole family.

The Bible Episodes
- In the Beginning
- Exodus
- Homeland
- Kingdom
- Survival
- Hope
- Mission
- Betrayal
- Passion
- Courage
Click here to read the synopsis of each episode on IMBd.
My Review of The Bible
This will be my first time watching The Bible. Now, I have got to see some of the scenes in this movie, as they are in the big screen feature, Son of God. The Bible is also done with actors and actresses and also is narrated.
This starts off with Noah and the ark with Noah telling the story of the creation.I noticed that Noah and his family and the animals were wet. The Bible tells us they were safe. Genesis 6:11-22
Plus, this is the first episode so it also introduces the whole season of episodes. You get to see the story of Father Abraham.
You get to see the life of Moses and the Exodus of the Israelites. One thing I noticed you didn’t see Moses trying to put it off making excuses. Plus, you didn’t hear Moses with a speech impediment. Moses made a quote, “Our freedom comes at a price.” This stood out to me. One Jesus who died on the cross to save us from our sin, gave us freedom and it cost His life. Another way is think of the many men and women who give their lives to so we can keep our freedom here in America. Read through the book of Exodus.
One other thing that stood out to me, is the the people were wet at the Red Sea, but I remember they crossed on dry land. It appears as if it was raining, if that is case then the ground would be wet, just like the Israelites. See Exodus 14:1-31
You even got to see Joshua and the Battle of Jericho. The story of Samson, the strongest man in the Bible. The thing about the Samson and Delilah story is Samson told her several things before saying what actually stops his strength. In The Bible it goes to the first thing he tells her. But they do show him blinded toward the end of the story.
You’ll get to see Samuel and the anointing of King Saul and even David to Solomon. Even the story of Zedekiah and Nebuchadnezzar. Even Daniel made it in the series including the 3 Hebrew children. Now when it came to the lions den, I did notice that the lions mouths were open, they didn’t eat Daniel, but they had mouths open, but the Bible says he shut the mouths of the lions. Plus the Bible the king called out to Daniel to see if he was there there, not open the door. Plus those that tricked the king the men and their family thrown in the den, in the movie you only see the man.
Then it goes through the life of Jesus. Some of these scenes here they used in the movie Son of God.
Even after the resurrection of Christ, and Pentecost, you see Saul of Tarsus, but in the movie he says he is Paul of Tarsus. He didn’t actually become Paul until he meet Jesus on the Road to Damascus. So the movie got this wrong. See Acts 9
The Bible series seems to go through through some of the prominent figures we have read about growing up in Sunday School and church. Yes, I know this is a movie and drama was added. I know they couldn’t get every detail in either. I also know they cannot get their whole story in, as they do leave some things out and skip some parts of the story of these figures.
Each episode begins with a recap of what you saw on the last episode, just like most tv shows that continue from the previous episode. The end of each episode gives you a brief of what you will see in the next episode.
One thing I noticed a lot in the The Bible series is that God is with us, is used a lot. That is true, that is why God sent His Son, Emmanuel, meaning God is with us.
I do recommend that older teenagers and up watch this due to the violence and some suggested or applied sexual content.
Overall I did enjoy watching these series despite the biblical differences I noticed. I pointed them out because I felt led to point these out.
There might even be more. It does give you a basic understanding of the prominent people in the Bible from creation to the Crucifixion and the Empty Tomb and more. That is where The Bible leaves off to be continued with A.D. The Bible Continues series.
But it is best to check with the Bible for the true facts.
I never did get to review the bonus features on the DVD.
I also do not like the way the multiple DVDs come out of the jacket. They are stacked. I prefer the ones that let you flip for them.
You can buy The Bible on Amazon or any other retailer.
Visit for more information.
Have you watched the Bible Series? If so I want to hear from you. Did you find it Biblical? If so what and if not what? Did you enjoy this epic miniseries? Did you noticed some differences or omissions or even additions
I was given a DVD of The Bible The Epic Miniseries to review. This is my unbiased review of the complete series.
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