Bear One Anothers Burdens - Galatians 6:2A

The Bible tells us we are to “Bear One Another’s Burdens”. What does that exactly mean?

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 NKJV

Bear or Carry One Another’s Burdens

Bear One Anothers Burdens - Galatians 6:2A
A Father carrying his daughter.

The HCSB will say carry instead of bear. It gives the idea of assistance or help. God said we are never alone and He is always with us. Often that can come from help from our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

I believe this could be a way of showing love toward one another. Even our enemies. By helping our enemies and doing good to them as we are told, it could show the love of Jesus to them.

I believe another reason we are to bear or carry one another’s burdens is because Christ bore everyone’s sin. He took on everyone’s sin. By us helping each other along and showing the love Christ, we can help show the forgiveness that Christ gives us freely.

I like what is said in the MacArthur Study Bible (NKJV).

“Burdens” are extra heavy loads, which here represent difficulties or problems people have trouble dealing with.

We as Christians need each other. We cannot do it ourselves. Christ gives us strength so we can do it. At times this strength comes from other believers.

I believe the law of Christ can refer to us loving each other as love is the greatest commandment. John 13:34-35 & Matthew 22:38-40.

We all know how much relief we fill when someone comes along and helps us with a difficult task or assist us in things we need help with. It is like a weight lifted off of us. Check out What is Yoke and The Broken Egg. Jesus tends for it to be easy, but we must rely on him not ourselves to accomplish His will. That is why He gives us other believers, the church, which makes up of a body of people, not the building.

When I think of carry I think of a child on dads shoulders. He carries child because the child is tired and needs help.That dad carries his child because he loves the child and sees a need in that child. I believe the same applies with Jesus to us as our Great Shepherd, who will leave the 99 sheep to find that one. Check out When Sheep Go Astray & Shepherds Rod or the Kings Scepter?

Also check out this blog post footprints talking about only one set of prints in the sand.



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