In times of crisis, we turn to God. It is hard to stay still during the trails of turmoil and to wait patiently for God to move. We tend to panic when God doesn’t do it in our time. Remember God’s time is never too late. We are to trust in Him and know it is on His schedule. We cannot be impatient. God’s timing is just right. He has a plan and purpose for when things happen.
Be still, and know that I am God;
David said in Psalm 46:10 NKJV
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!
We need to produce fruits in our life. We produce those fruits by the storms we go through. It helps us to make a testimony for what we went through and what God has done for us.
Trust in God in the good and bad times. God will never lead us in bad situations or leave us alone. He is always there and always provides a way out. God is faithful to us. Don’t panic! Trust Him!
We are told to be still and be quiet by God!
In Hebrew, the word translated to Be Still meant Get your hands off it. Let it God, surrender it to Him. Let God have the problem. The problem is we often don’t allow God to have total control. Things get worse when we get involved and not allow God to have control. It is like making a bigger hole.
Be Still, Don't Panic, God Has It! Share on XIf you know Him, you have a spiritual relationship with Him. You must have a hunger for God. If we don’t hunger for God, we won’t know Him as we should.
Today more people at church seem to worry more about the church budget, the church’s belongings, time of the church, what goes on at church than they do know about God.
The Lord is my light and my salvation;
David said in Psalm 27:1
Whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the strength of my life;
Of whom shall I be afraid?
So who should we fear?
Don’t run from God!
Stand Still – Come to God and expect God to take over. Don’t panic!
Trust in God as all powerful! (Elohim)
The battle is mine saith the Lord.
It is very difficult to wait on the Lord, but it is worse to wish you did when you didn’t.
God won’t work unless you are willing to give it all to Him.
Waiting helps us to become stronger Christians. Helps us to trust God more. Our Faith increases.
There were like 30,000 gods in Athens and about 10,000 people. Paul got discouraged. He started to preach the Word of God. He would preach the Birth, Death, Burial and Resurrection.
Don’t be a babbler! (Bird brain as the pastor says)
God is big enough to handle ANY problem you have.
Be still, a condition from the heart. not the physical aspects of our life.
These were my notes that I had written down from March 25, 2012 sermon by Pastor Bob Neal of Piedmont Baptist Church.I first published this on March 25, 2013. Republishing on August 22, 2015.
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