Bath time – Our hooman’s took my sister, Lilly Bug, in bath room. I heard water and crying. I kept trying to rescue her by putting my paw under the door.
Bath Time

I didn’t know what was going on but I wanted to try to help save my sissy. I couldn’t get to her. I tried sissy! I really did!
My momma hooman got a picture of us both wet. (Shown above.) The top picture is me, Joel the Brave. No leave the “Brave” off! Of course, the bottom is my sissy, Lilly Bug.
Then next thing I know I was whisked into the bathroom. I got soaked with water. I didn’t like it. I was trying to fight my daddy hooman has he held me down while momma poured warm water on me. I’m strong my daddy hooman said.
After it was all done we both each got a special wet treat. Our very own! Not one to split either! I didn’t eat all of mine, sissy came and finished mine off. She grabbed my whole piece of shrimp 🍤 and took off with it.
Neither of us liked getting that bath. Our hoomans said thst it was needed for the both of us.
Our hoomans used some Dawn dish soup. I guess it’s more than washing dishes. I see commercials where animals get cleaned with it from oil spills. But we didn’t have oil on us.
It has been reported that blue soap called Dawn can also help with fleas or help to prevent them with regular baths.
By the morning out hoomans kept telling us how soft we feel. I guess it also helps soften our fur too.
Besides it can help keep us pets clean. But, Imma boy cat, I wanna be dirty.
Do you give your cats baths?
Feel free to share your experience and what you do etc, both hoomans and cats are welcome to comment. (A dog can too sharing what he or she saw)
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At least you only had one bath. Mimi gives us at least one every two weeks with baby shampoo. She thinks we are babies but we are not. We are grown up men.
Oh wow! You all get use to it?