Baby dedication – I am not talking about baby / infant baptism but dedicating to raise your child in the way of the Lord. #BabyDedication
These are usually popular around Mother’s Day or even when a new baby is born. Dedication means being committed to a task or purpose.

The point of a baby dedication is for the parents to dedicate their lives to raising their child(ren) in the way of the Lord. To teach them the Bible and all things about Jesus and what He did for them. To make sure their child(ren) has salvation and to help guide them to stay on the narrow path. Plus, staying in church and in fellowship with fellow believers.
Train up a child in the way he should go,
Proverbs 22:6
Even when he is old he will not depart from it.
I guess you can say, this is more of a Parent Dedication. Because that also means the parents are rededicating their lives to Christ. That means the parents will have to live the example before their child(ren). They cannot tell them to do or not do anything that they would or would not do.
As Christian parents we do have a responsibility for raising our children in the Way of the Lord. We cannot tell our child(ren) how to live like Christ, if we don’t live it out our self.
Again, I am not talking about baby or infant baptism. That is something for a totally different blog post.
Photo used is from Pexels, which allows you to use clipart photos for your blog post.
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