Atheist Delusion Movie Review & Full Movie

The Atheist Delusion

Atheist Delusion Movie Review & Full Movie – The movie destroys atheism with one scientific question. Find out why millions deny the obvious.

Atheist Delusion Movie Review & Full Movie

Full Movie



This is the full version of the movie by Living Waters and Ray Comfort. It is around an hour showing time.

My Review

This film is just over one hour in length. Ray Comfort goes and talks to people about atheism. You might remember some of these people from former movies Comfort has done. Do you think that nothing created everything, as in no creator. Is there an Intelligent designer behind it. In this film you will also learn more about DNA too. It talks a lot about the Instruction Book for Life DNA.

[pullquote]“Atheism is so senseless.” Issac Newton[/pullquote]

One thing I would have to say is … WOW! But, I grew up in church and believed in God. But, how would this effect someone who doesn’t believe … Like these folks Comfort talks to about atheism, DNA and a book. But, it does make sense how Comfort presents this version of presenting the gospel. I would have to say it made people think and maybe plant a seed.

John 3:19-20 New King James Version (NKJV)

19 And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed.

Many Bible verses mentioned throughout the Bible. Comfort gave all the theist he talked to a book called “Made in Heaven”. A book on where people’s designs of things they made came from nature. Like they studied birds to make an airplane. Plus in Atheist Delusion, Comfort goes over the Good Person Test. I believe this movie was very moving too.

Check out some other movies done by Ray Comfort and Living waters. Free Movies!

I recommend you watch this video … The Atheist Delusion. Listen to what Comfort tells these students and professor and their responses to his questions.


From Living Waters, creators of the award-winning TV program “The Way of the Master” and the hit movies “180” and “Evolution vs. God,” comes the powerful film “The Atheist Delusion.” Executive produced by TV co-host and best-selling author Ray Comfort (Hell’s Best Kept SecretScientific Facts in the Bible).

Having to prove the existence of God to an atheist is like having to prove the existence of the sun, at noon on a clear day. Yet millions are embracing the foolishness of atheism. “The Atheist Delusion” pulls back the curtain and reveals what is going on in the mind of those who deny the obvious. It introduces you to a number of atheists who you will follow as they go where the evidence leads, find a roadblock, and enter into a place of honesty that is rarely seen on film.1

Acclaimed Movie that “Destroys Atheism” to Premiere in 200 Countries (Press Release)

Los Angeles, CA. A new movie that purportedly “destroys atheism with one scientific question” will be televised live by Daystar from inside the life-size Noah’s Ark at the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky.

Daystar, the largest Christian TV network in America, will broadcast the live event to 680 million households in over 200 countries on Saturday, October 22 at 7 p.m. (ET). Filmmaker Ray Comfort said, “We are delighted that both Answers in Genesis and Daystar have seen the importance of ‘The Atheist Delusion.’”

The film has been praised by top Christian leaders and filmmakers such as Alex Kendrick, Kevin Sorbo, and Kirk Cameron. Author and reality TV co-host Jason Benham said, “That was the best documentary I’ve ever seen!”

Comfort is pleading with parents to watch “The Atheist Delusion” with their young children and teenagers. “Millions are being deceived by the foolishness of atheism. If there’s no God then pornography, abortion, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, and blasphemy are okay, and this worldview will be reflected at the voting booth.”

The best-selling author warned, “Don’t wait until your kids say that they are no longer going to church because there’s no proof for God, and that atheism is intellectual and scientific. As this film shows, that kind of thinking couldn’t be further from the truth.”

Matt Barber, cultural analyst with Fox News, MSNBC, and CNN, said, “This is, bar none, the most compelling and comprehensive piece of its kind. Somehow [“The Atheist Delusion”] managed, in less than an hour, to make the case for the Creator God.”

The live premiere, co-hosted by the Ark’s founder Ken Ham, can be seen on the Daystar Channel on Saturday, October 22, 2016 at 7 p.m. (ET). To watch the trailer and learn more, visit

  1. Website
  2. Press Release

I was given a free media online private viewing of the movie for this review.

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