All Things White

All Things Color Series: All Things White. In this post I will talk about the color white and how it is mentioned in the Bible and what the color means. #White

All Things White

White in the visual spectrum and using the TV and monitors of RGB (Red – Green – Blue), we see that white is the presence of color. White means visible light. Imagine not being able to see because it is so white, so bright! That is the light of Christ. The light of Christ is the brightest light of all.

In the four-color print process (CMYK), white is no color, so basically this would be paper color. This is shown as white on our monitor. This is using 0 Cyan; 0 Magenta; 0 Yellow & 0 Black).

All Things White

All things white: When we think of white we think of purity. Just think about a wedding dress, usually the bride wears white for purity. We also think about snow when we hear the color white.

In the American Flag, it means purity and innocence. In the Christian Flag, the white stands for the purity of Jesus. It also means surrender to God. When we use just a White Flag, we are surrendering.

We think about snow and clouds as being white. In this All Things Color series, I am going to look at what the Bible says about the color white.

Below are the responses I got when I asked people on Facebook this questions. When you think about the color white what do you think about?

  1. Purity
  2. Clean & Stark
  3. White is my favorite shade to paint with.
  4. A palette to put color on.
  5. Peaceful, purity, clean, and bland if on walls.

In the Power Band Witnessing Bracelet and the Jelly Bean Prayer The Color White represents grace, cleansing & forgiveness. (See below)

White: Represents forgiveness and cleansing of those who trust in Christ.
But those things which God foretold by the mouth of all His prophets, that the Christ would suffer, He has thus fulfilled. – Acts 3:18 
WHITE – White is for the grace Christ gave.

Number of times used in the Bible


So I used to look up how many times the word “White” is used in the Bible. Below is the number of times.

All things white: Each translation uses the word white around the same amount of times. The usage includes Whiter, Whitewash, Reddish-White, Whitened, and Whiten. There is a lot of usages and items it talks about like baskets (Genesis 40:16), owl (Leviticus 11:18 & Deuteronomy 14:16), hair/skin (throughout Leviticus & Numbers 12:10), teeth (Genesis 49:12), milk (Genesis 49:12), snow (Isaiah 1:18; Numbers 12:10) and more.

Most of the time when referred to skin, it was talking about a form of leprosy. So in this case, white isn’t pure.

Lexicons for White


חוּר chuwr (khür) – White cloth or white stuff. (Hebrew)


 חִוָּר– chivvar (khiv·vär’) Meaning white (Aramaic)


לָבַן laban (lä·van’) – to make white or to purify. (Hebrew)


λευκός leukos (lyü-ko’s) – like garments of angels, heavenly state, shining, innocence, purity. (Greek)

There 16 word usages for the word “white” in the Lexicon. 12 are Hebrew/Aramaic and 4 Greek. Click here to see the other usages.

White could be used to be purity. It can also be used to mean clear or transparent. If you think about it, a heavenly state is pure and clear can also be shining or glowing. I even saw where it was referring to as a pearl.

I am using the a few of the main Lexicons for white in this blog post.

I used both E-Sword and BlueletterBible to help with the Lexicons.

Isaiah 1:18

“Come now, and let us reason together,”
Says the Lord,
“Though your sins are like scarlet,
They shall be as white as snow;
Though they are red like crimson,
They shall be as wool.”

Psalm 51:7

Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean;
Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

All things white: I am glad that the precious blood of Jesus can cleanse me as white as snow. That is the forgiveness given to those in Christ. (That is those who accepted Christ as Savior). So the main thing here is the white means made pure. That is that precious red blood is what God sees on me. That precious blood has made me whole again, it’s made me pure. It’s made me a new creation.

| Black | Orange | White | Red | Blue | Yellow | Purple | Green | Pink | Teal

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