All Things Red

All Things Color Series: All Things Red. In this post I will talk about the color red and how it is mentioned in the Bible and what the color means. #Red

All Things Red

In the visual spectrum and using the TV and monitors of RGB (Red – Green – Blue). Red is one of the three colors. That means red is a primary color.

All Things Red

All Things Red: When we think about the color red we may think about love.

We think about the stop sign or even the red light at a traffic light. We may even think about blood. The color red is known to be associated with passion, energy or even action.

We may even think about some foods Apples, Strawberries, Tomatoes and Cherries.

Red is even a Christmas Color.

I even think about a Christian band called Red Roots.

Below are the responses I got when I asked people on Facebook this questions. When you think about the color red what do you think about?

  1. The blood of Jesus
  2. Blood, rescue, passion, romance, ketchup, tomatoes, stop, heart, school (some of school colors) flags, cross, anger, mad, and fighting…it’s a multi-function color.

The color red in the American Flag, means hardiness & valor.

In the Power Band Witnessing Bracelet and the Jelly Bean Prayer The Color red is the Blood of Jesus Christ that freely bled to save us from our sins. (See below)

Red – Red represents the blood Jesus shed to pay the penalty for our sins.
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. – Romans 5:8 
RED – Red is for the blood Christ gave.

Number of times used in the Bible


So I used to look up how many times the word “Red” is used in the Bible. Below is the number of times.

For the most part, all the translations are somewhat close in numbers, especially since it is over 200 times used. This would include Red Sea, reddish, etc.

It would also have words like reduce, redeemed, hatred, hundred, etc. Words that have “red” in it. So the count also includes words that are not color related. So if “red” is inside the word, It picked it up too.

Lexicons for Red


אָדַם ‘adam (ä·dam’) – to be red, rubby, dyed red, glare red, emit red, glow red, to show red, to look red. Can also mean to be flush red in the face. (Hebrew)


πυρρός – pyrros (pür-ro’s) – having the color of fire. (Greek)

The Lexicons have 199 usages. 145 in Hebrew/Aramaic & 54 in Greek. The Lexicon usage count would have words that are not color specific. It includes all words with “red” inside the word.

Click to see all the uses.

I used both E-Sword and BlueletterBible to help with the Lexicons.

All Things Red: Looking at this, it shows red was used to color the rams skin or animal skins. (Several places throughout Exodus). Even Red was also used to show about sin. (Isaiah 1:18). In Revelation the color is used, the Red Horse and the Red Dragon. (Revelation 6 & Revelation 12).

No matter what, I am glad that the precious red blood of Christ that freely bleed for me to save me from my sins. He paid a debt, He didn’t owe. We owe a debt, we cannot repay. That is grace! A Precious gift of God. But it can only be given to those who accept Jesus Christ as their person Savior.

As the song goes, What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Oh! precious is the flow That makes me white as snow. Yes, those lyrics are out of order, but it gives the idea. This hymn I mentioned is by Robert Lowry (1826-1899) Make sure you check out All Things White, to learn about the color white.

Also, you know the saying, “Red Sun at night sailors be delight. Red Sun in the morn’ sailors be warn”? Did you know that actually came from the Bible? See Matthew 16:1-4.

| Black | Orange | White | Red | Blue | Yellow | Purple | Green | Pink | Teal

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