All Things Blue

All Things Color Series: All Things Blue. In this post I will talk about the color blue and how it is mentioned in the Bible and what the color means. #Blue

All Things Blue

In the visual spectrum and using the TV and monitors of RGB (Red – Green – Blue). Blue is one of the three colors. That means blue is a primary color.

All Things Blue

All Things Blue: When we think about the color blue we think about water and the sky. The color blue is also known for being reliable & responsible.

We may even think about Autism as well.

Maybe you think about the boys in blue, our Police Officers. The color blue is symbolic of peace. That is why it is used by Law Enforcement Agencies. That is why you might see a blue light on someones porch or window. Project Blue Light!

Project Blue Light


Responses on the color Blue


Below are the responses I got when I asked people on Facebook this questions. When you think about the color red what do you think about?

  1. The sky, the ocean. Water.
  2. Peaceful, sky, clouds, ocean, pool, and calm.

If I asked my daughter I am sure she would say University of Michigan Wolverines.

In the American Flag, the color blue is the color of the Chief (the broad band above the stripes) signifies vigilance, perseverance & justice.

In the Power Band Witnessing Bracelet, the Color Blue is about the water baptism.  (See below)

Blue: Represents public profession declared by baptism.
Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them. – Acts 2:41

Number of times used in the Bible

So I used to look up how many times the word “Blue” is used in the Bible. Below is the number of times.

All the translations listed above use the word “blue” around the same amount of times.

All Things Blue: The color is used to talk about garments/yarn/thread/etc. (Throughout Exodus). It was also referred to as a wound.

Lexicons for Blue


חַבּוּרָה chabbuwrah (khab·bü·rä’) – bruise, stripe, wound, blow. (Hebrew)


תְּכֵלֶת  tĕkeleth (tek·ā’·leth) – here it is used as violet, a purple type of color. Mostly used with fabric. Fabric could be yarn, thread, garments, etc.

The Lexicon is used only two times in the Hebrew language. It is not used in the Greek.  Click to see those two times, even though they were used here.

I used both E-Sword and BlueletterBible to help with the Lexicons.

In the usages of Chabburah, it is used to describe a bruise, stripe, wound or blow. Just think when we get a bruise, we usually refer to it as being black and blue. Even Proverbs 20:30 talks about the wound being blue.

Like Isaiah 53:5 , “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.”

As shown above the color blue was also used in clothing. According to the Lexicon it did say that the colors could range from red to a deep purple in color. Check out All Things Red.

| Black | Orange | White | Red | Blue | Yellow | Purple | Green | Pink | Teal

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