Alex Dowis Paints Scene of Evolution On AGT – He also painted scene of Big Bang theory. Where Howie says he painted the history of the world. But that is not true!
Now Americas Got Talent 2019, AGT says on their video it is an inspirational story. This was painted in the quarter finals.

I have to say Howie that is not the correct history. The Big Bang and Evolution are false! The true story is God Spoke it and it was! He created us, we did not evolve. It’s in the Bible in Genesis and other parts of the Bible.
Sometimes you can find some good things on AGT, as I have shared in the past. Then there are things like this. I just had to share.
Check out Evolution Vs God. A video on this
Here is another video to watch
Sadly they teach Big Bang and Evolution in our schools and college and not the creation story. I just had to write this blog post to point to some things on evolution and how the teaching is wrong.
Despite this is just a theory and false, he is a good artist otherwise.
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