A tribute to Blacky the Wheelchair Cat

A tribute to Blacky the Wheelchair Cat

A tribute to Blacky the Wheelchair Cat. Blacky is a Timaru cat. He lost his back legs by a car accident. Not only did he lose his back legs, but spinal nerve damage. Not only that but Blacky also has only one eye. #Blacky #WheelChairCat

A tribute to Blacky the Wheelchair Cat

A tribute to Blacky the Wheelchair Cat. Blacky is a Timaru cat. He lost his back legs by a car accident. Not only did he lose his back legs, but spinal nerve damage. Not only that but Blacky also has only one eye. #Blacky #WheelChairCat

My momma hooman first discovered him on Facebook the exact same time she became my hooman. We have been following him ever since and read to me about Blacky, my hero.

Sadly Blacky, has died. This cat is very special because Blacky was in a wheel chair because of his back legs. That makes Blacky a disable cat, but Blacky wouldn’t let that stop him! His owner, Louise Hopkin, was told to put him down, but they refused! He still has a big fan base of many people today! Showing there is hope for animals and hoomans too.

He was a very tough cat too. They said that he even crawled his way back home using his front paws. That shows dedication, determination and desire to be home. However he did live through all of that and that was in 2010.

Sadly, he recently died in May of 2018. He persevered around eight years paralyzed.

Learn more at blackythewheelchaircat.com

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0 thoughts on “A tribute to Blacky the Wheelchair Cat

    1. Yes he’s a very courageous kitty very determined. Very strong and persevered. That shows that anybody can adapt to whatever may happen.

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