Posted in Blogging Jesus Christ

6,000 people receiving this writing prompt

6,000 people receiving this writing prompt – It’s Writing Time Friday! There are over 6,000 people receiving this. What would you want to tell them all?

a wood cutting board with brown objects on it
Posted in Christian Writing Prompts

What snack would you eat right now?

What snack would you eat right now? I answer this writing prompt. What snack would you eat right now?

Posted in Cats Christian Writing Prompts

The Purr-fect Companions: The Joys of Having Three Cats

The Purr-fect Companions: The Joys of Having Three Cats – Having pets enriches our lives in numerous ways, and for…

Posted in Cats Joel the Brave Lilly Bug Writing Prompts

Here for your cat

Here for your cat a writing prompt on the SWAT team here for your cat. #cat #cats

Posted in Bloguanary Eagles Writing Prompts

What is your favorite animal?

What is your favorite animal? I answer this Bloganuary writing prompt. What is your favorite animal? What is your favorite…

MacBook Pro, white ceramic mug,and black smartphone on table
Posted in Blogging Blogs Christian Writing Prompts

25 more Christian blog post ideas

25 more Christian blog post ideas – need some blog post ideas here is a list of 25 to help you build your blog. #writingprompts

Posted in Evangelism God Heaven Hell Jesus Christ

10 things you know to be absolutely certain

10 things you know to be absolutely certain — Today’s writing prompt is to list 10 things that are absolutely true.

Posted in Halloween Writing Prompts

20 Halloween Writing Prompts

20 Halloween Writing Prompts for Christian bloggers.

Posted in Blogging Bloguanary Bloguary


Bloguary is a two month journey for bloggers to post blog post on their blog during the two months ending in -usary … January and February. #bloguary

Thanksgiving Blog Post
Posted in Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Blog Post

Thanksgiving Blog Post – Below are Thanksgiving Day Blog post that can be found on Courageous Christian Father. Celebrate this day of Thanks Living by checking out these Thanksgiving related blog post. #Thanksgiving

National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) #NaBloPoMo
Posted in Blogging Christian Christian Music Family Food God Jesus Christ Tips

National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo)

National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) I talk about a month for us bloggers. I talk a little about it and why I blog and much more. #NaBloPoMo

Posted in Writing Prompts

400 Writing Prompts Book

400 Writing Prompts Book – a book that has some writing prompts and areas to write in them. #400WritingPrompts #WritingPrompts

crosses, sunset, silhouettes
Posted in Cross Jesus Christ Love

Where I felt loved

Where I felt loved – I answer the Bloganuary writing prompt. Where I felt loved Can you share a positive…

25+ Christmas Blog Post Prompts - This is a list of 25 Christmas related blog post that you could use to make more blog post. This is great for those with Christmas related writers block.
Posted in Christian Christmas

25+ Christmas Blog Post Prompts

25+ Christmas Blog Post Prompts – This is a list of 25 Christmas related blog post that you could use to make more blog post. This is great for those with Christmas related writers block.

Posted in Analogy God

God is like bleach He removes stains no one else can

God is like bleach He removes stains no one else can – He washes us white as snow. #bgbg2

Posted in AI Facebook

Turning Off Meta AI in Facebook Searches: A Step-by-Step Guide

Turning Off Meta AI in Facebook Searches: A Step-by-Step Guide — In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, Meta’s integration of AI into Facebook has been a topic of much discussion. While some users find the AI features helpful, others prefer a more traditional experience. If you’re among those who wish to turn off Meta AI when searching on Facebook, this blog post is for you.

Posted in Evangelism Witnessing Writing Prompts

A Ship Rose Up Out of the Deep Sea

A Ship Rose Up Out of the Deep Sea a tail about a ship that arose out of the deep sea.

Posted in Thanksgiving

20 Thanksgiving Writing Prompts

20 Thanksgiving Writing Prompts for Christian bloggers. #WritingPrompts

Posted in Writing Prompts

Introducing the Fart Dragons

Introducing the Fart Dragons – Yes! I know not proper eh? But that is what we call the plush dragons in our home. Famous Dragons & Dragons and the Bible. #Dragons

50 More Blog Writing Prompts - Can't think of something to write on your blog. Check out these 50 blog writing prompts. #WritingPrompts
Posted in Blogging

50 More Blog Writing Prompts

20 More Blog Writing Prompts – Can’t think of something to write on your blog. Check out these 20 blog writing prompts. #WritingPrompts