Christian / Halloween

Former Satanist Warns About the Dangers of Halloween

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Former Satanist Warns About the Dangers of Halloween. John Ramirez, who used to be a high-ranking priest within the Satanic Temple before miraculously having his heart opened to the Gospel, shares the story of his personal involvement with satanism and celebrating Halloween in order to warn parents of its dangers. The question of should Christians celebrate Halloween always come about this time of year. Ramirez gives warnings to Christians about the dark holiday … Halloween and why Christians shouldn’t celebrate it. #Halloween


Halloween Superstitions Revealed

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Halloween superstitions revealed. Steeped in tradition, Halloween season also is a time of year when superstitions take root and add to the spooky and often silly nature of the holiday. Some Halloween traditions are traced back to the ancient Celts. Their belief that spirits of the deceased were able to wander the earth during the time they called Samhain. Folks would wear costumes so the living could blend in with ghosts, and treats were laid out to appease the spirits. #Halloween

Halloween / Holidays

These treats are staples of Halloween celebrations

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These treats are staples of Halloween celebrations – Youngsters are not the only ones who look forward to the sweets that are synonymous with Halloween. Adults also indulge their sweet tooths on Halloween. The following are some treats that simply must be part of Halloween.


Social distancing and Halloween Trunk-or-Treating

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Social distancing and Halloween Trunk-or-Treating – This year Halloween figures to look different than it has in years past. Thanks to the COVID-19 virus, certain Halloween traditions may not be possible. That control makes trunk-or-treating ideal for a socially distant Halloween, and the following are some ways parents can pull off such an event in a way that’s safe and fun.

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