Bible / Christian / Church / Faith / Forgiveness / God / Grace / Holidays / Jesus Christ / Knoxville / Pastors / Prayer / Relationships / Worship

Reformation Day

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October 31 is also Reformation Day, Martin Luther wrote The 95 Thesis on this day 500 years ago and nailed it to the Castle Church door in Wittenburg in Germany. I share about Reformation Day and even the full length movie of I Will Not Recant. #ReformationDay #95Thesis #MartinLuther #IWillNotRecant

Analogy / Bible / Cross / Death / Evangelism / Faith / Family / God / Heaven / Hell / Holidays / Jesus Christ / Pumpkin / Snoopy / Witnessing

The Great Pumpkin Analogy

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Linus & the The Great Pumpkin, from It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, is a good analogy to use when we talk about having faith Linus shows great faith. We need to have similar faith but our faith needs to be in Christ! #GreatPumpkin #faith #Linus #CharlieBrown

Bible / Christian / God / Holidays / Jesus Christ / Knowledge / Pumpkin / Sin

Inner Light Cartoon

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Inner Light, a cartoon by Mike Waters from A Joyful ‘toon. Check out what one Jack-o-lanterns says to another about how bright he is and his response on who gave him his light. #InnerLight #ChristianComic #Pumpkin

Bible / Death / Fear / God / Holidays / Holy Spirit / Jesus Christ / Men of the Bible / Prayer / Witnessing

Friday the 13th & a Full Moon

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Friday the 13th & a Full Moon – This happens when a full moon occurs on a Friday with the date of 13. Which is a rare occasion. #Fridaythe13th #Friday13 #FullMoon #Moon

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