Bible / Church / God / Jesus Christ / Love / Prayer

No Greater Love

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No Greater Love than one to lay down their life for another. Zaevion Dobson, Fulton High School Football player gave his life to save three others. There was also someone else who gave His life to save everyone. That was Jesus. Would you show great love by giving up your life for another? #ZaevionDobson #24Strong #FultonFalcons #FultonHIghSchool #NoGreaterLove #bgbg2 #ccf #JesusChrist #ZaevionDobsonDay

Bible / Cross / Easter / Eschatology / God / Heaven / Hell / Jesus Christ / Love / Revelation / Sin

The Ultimate Superhero

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Who do you think is a hero or a superhero? How about this, who do you think is an ultimate superhero? Can you name anyone? I can name one …
Find out what Characteristics make a superhero and what one Characteristic makes an ultimate superhero.

Bible / Christian / Educational / Flags / God / Jesus Christ / Prayer / Repent / See You At The Pole / The Life Book / Tracts

See You At The Pole – We Cry Out

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See You At The Pole ™ – We Cry Out – Wednesday, September 28, 2016. A generation seeking Him! Psalm 24:3-6 Plus Global Week of Student Prayer. #SYATP #SYATP2016 #WeCryOout # #psalm24threeTHRUsix #aGenerationSeekingHim #iWillPray #LifeBooks

Adultery / Bible / Christian / Discipleship / Forgiveness / God / Heaven / Hell / Jesus Christ / Love / Lust / Men of the Bible / Notes / Printables / Repent / Romans / Sin / Testimonials / Tracts / Way of the Master / Witnessing

Are you a good person? Comic featuring Mr. Nice Guy

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Are you a good person? A Gospel tract Uses God’s Law to help witness & share your testimonial to other people. This comic is part of the Way of the Master. Now with free downloadable and printable versions! #GoodPersonTest #WayoftheMaster

Bible / Church / Courageous / Cross / Discipleship / Fear / God / Holy Spirit / Jesus Christ / Men of the Bible / Notes / Sermon Notes / Testimonials / Witnessing

Be Loud, Be Proud, Be Bold about your Witness!

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Be Loud, Be Proud, Be Bold about your Witness! Take some courage and not be the silent disciple, speak up and share your faith. That that bright light in the dark world.

Analogy / Bible / Christian / Forgiveness / God / Holy Spirit / Jesus Christ / Prayer / Romans / Sin / Study / Worship

The Holy Spirit is like an Alarm System

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How is the Holy Spirit like an alarm system? Find out in this blog post. I discuss how the Holy Spirit is like an alarm system. #alarmsystem #holyspirit

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