Bible / Christian

Heart Shield Bible

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Heart Shield Bible — In the tumultuous times of World War II, soldiers clung to symbols of faith and hope as they faced the uncertainties of battle. Among these symbols was a unique edition of the New Testament, known as the “Heart Shield Bible.” These Bibles, often issued to American soldiers, came with a metal cover designed to be carried in a shirt pocket over the heart. #HeartShieldBible

10 Commandments / Christian / Educational

Louisiana becomes first state requiring the Ten Commandments be displayed in public school classrooms

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Louisiana becomes first state requiring the Ten Commandments be displayed in public school classrooms — In a move that has sparked nationwide attention, Louisiana has become the first state to mandate the display of the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms. This controversial law, signed by Republican Governor Jeff Landry, requires a poster-sized display of the Ten Commandments in “large, easily readable font” to be placed in all public classrooms, from kindergarten through state-funded universities¹.

Christian / Steve

The Meaning Behind the Name Steve

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The Meaning Behind the Name Steve – The significance of a name often transcends its linguistic roots, carrying cultural, historical, and even spiritual connotations. In this exploration, we delve into the name “Steve” and uncover its potential meanings, drawing connections to biblical references that shed light on the deeper essence of this seemingly commonplace name.

Bible / Christian / Family / Fear / Forgiveness / God / Holidays / Jesus Christ / Prayer / Scouting

Patriot Day & National Day of Service & Remembrance (September 11)

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A Day of Remembrance. 9/11. It has been 18 years now. Just a brief write up on Patriot Day & National Day of Service & Remembrance (September 11). #PatriotDay #911 #September11

Christian / Love

If you’re willing to be a wiener to be loved, what else would you do?

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If you’re willing to be a wiener to be loved, what else would you do? In a world where acceptance often feels like it must be earned, it’s tempting to conform to the expectations of others, even if it means losing a bit of ourselves in the process. The whimsical desire to be an Oscar Mayer wiener, as the famous jingle goes, captures this sentiment perfectly—“Oh, I wish I were an Oscar Mayer wiener, that is what I truly want to be. For if I were an Oscar Mayer wiener, everyone would be in love with me.”

Christian / Theology

Systematic Theology

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Systematic theology is the study of the core beliefs of Christianity and the organization of these beliefs into a coherent system. It is a discipline that seeks to understand and articulate the nature of God, the purpose of humanity, and the relationship between God and humanity. Systematic theology is concerned with the systematic study of Christian beliefs, doctrines, and practices, and seeks to provide a framework for understanding these beliefs in a holistic and interconnected manner. #systematictheology

Christian / John Calvin / Martin Luther / Theology

Reformed Theology

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Reformed theology, also known as Calvinism, is a theological movement that emphasizes the sovereignty of God in all things. It is based on the teachings of John Calvin, a French theologian who lived in the 16th century, and other reformers. #reformedtheology

Bible / Christian / Church / Courageous / Educational / Family / Freedom / God / Jesus Christ / Laws / Prayer / Worship

In God We Trust – One Nation Under God – In God We Trust Day

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In God We Trust Day a day based on that is imprinted on our currency here in the United States. Our Nation was founded under One Nation under God. Anymore it seems God has been removed from everything. We Christians are just taking it and not standing up for our beliefs and allowing this to happen all because today’s world believes in being politically correct (pc) they say. Did you know there is a In God We Trust Day as well? #InGodWeTrust


Build Me a boat versus buy me a boat

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Build me a boat versus buy me a boat – Two songs about boats, one Christian Music, the other Country Music. One song is about a building a boat, while the other song is about buying a boat. Build me a boat versus buy me a boat Not sure why but I felt I should share about this. So here we go. This will be this weeks Christian Music Monday feature blog post. “Buy me a boat” and “Build me a boat” are two different requests that someone can make, with different implications and consequences.

Bible / Christian / Christian Movies / Church / Healing / Health & Fitness / Heaven / Jesus Christ / Revival

The Jesus Revolution

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What is the Jesus Revolution of the 1960’s and 1970’s where Billy Graham preached the Cotton Bowl at Explo ’72. What’s going on today for the Jesus Revolution? #JesusChangesEverything #JesusMovement #JesusRevolution

Christian / Church / Flags / God / Jesus Christ / Love / Printable / Vacation Bible School

The Christian Flag Pledge

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The Christian Flag, a popular pledge said during Vacation Bible School (VBS). I share what the colors mean in the flag and some other tid-bits about the Christian Flag. #ChristianFlag #ChristianFlagPledge | Free Printable version!

Christian / Health & Fitness / Holidays / Red

National Wear Red Day

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National Wear Red Day. During American Heart Month in February, the American Heart Association will focus on women with “Go Red for Women,” a national movement about women and cardiovascular disease. Each year cardiovascular diseases claim the lives of nearly 500,000 women. For all of the women who have been affected by cardiovascular disease, the public is urged to participate in Wear Red Day. #NationalWearRedDay #WearRedandGive

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