Bible / Christian / Family / Fear / Forgiveness / God / Holidays / Jesus Christ / Prayer / Scouting

Patriot Day & National Day of Service & Remembrance (September 11)

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A Day of Remembrance. 9/11. It has been 18 years now. Just a brief write up on Patriot Day & National Day of Service & Remembrance (September 11). #PatriotDay #911 #September11

Bible / Christian / Church / Courageous / Educational / Family / Freedom / God / Jesus Christ / Laws / Prayer / Worship

In God We Trust – One Nation Under God – In God We Trust Day

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In God We Trust Day a day based on that is imprinted on our currency here in the United States. Our Nation was founded under One Nation under God. Anymore it seems God has been removed from everything. We Christians are just taking it and not standing up for our beliefs and allowing this to happen all because today’s world believes in being politically correct (pc) they say. Did you know there is a In God We Trust Day as well? #InGodWeTrust

Christian / Church / Flags / God / Jesus Christ / Love / Printable / Vacation Bible School

The Christian Flag Pledge

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The Christian Flag, a popular pledge said during Vacation Bible School (VBS). I share what the colors mean in the flag and some other tid-bits about the Christian Flag. #ChristianFlag #ChristianFlagPledge | Free Printable version!

Bible / Christian / Creation / Freedom / God / Jesus Christ / Men of the Bible / Outdoor Truths / Relationships / Women of the Bible

Outdoor Truths – Freedom A Slave to Someone or Something

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This weeks Outdoor Truths with Gary Miller is about Freedom A Slave to Someone or Something. The ultimate freedom giver was God when he gave His Son Jesus to die for our sins. #OutdoorTruths #Freedom

Acronyms / Bible / Christian / Church / God / Men of the Bible / Prayer

SIGCO Pray 2016

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The Stand in the Gap Coalition – SIGCO Pray 2016 – Does that mean God is not hearing or answering the prayers of his followers? We learn in God’s Word that He does not always deliver his people (who are obedient) out of bad situations.

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