911 Babies make some noise #911Babies #Abortion

911 Babies – a website that is taking a stand against abortion and allowing women to know they have a choice.

911 Babies

911 Babies make some noise #911Babies #Abortion

Be A Voice! Make Some Noise! Speaking up for those that cannot speak!

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This is a Pro Life ministry ran by Eddie DeHart and Chrystal DeHart. The point of the ministry is to be Missionaries to America’s UNBORN and LIVE LIKE JESUS! Eddie told me he got the minsitry idea from 9/11, when the terrorist attacks on America.If you think about it as well 911 is also a call for an emergency.

911Babies.com being online since 2005. From time to time, you will see things that Eddie Shares on the 911Babies Facebook Page on this blog ministry, Courageous Christian Father.

Please keep 911 Babies & The Abortion Alternative Alliance in your prayers.

The innocent unborn are silently crying out and the Abortion Alternative Alliance hears them loud and clear. 911 Babies will begin a progressive media campaign to get the word out about LIFE.

911Babies.com is to be a site that will be filled with information to help expectant mothers make an informed decision based on truth. There will be articles on adoption and the agencies that help place the child in a good Christian home.

911 Babies Mission Statement


Under the Authority of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit and the Restoration Church and with your local church or ministry and Christworks Youth Outreach of Medicine Lodge Kansas, we are the God ordained leaders for His future Pro-Life revival in America. God has called us to show the Church in America how to respond to the cry of the Unborn and to speak His truths so we may embrace God’s Blessings of Life. We are an answer to many prayers, we are a God given advantage, we are the Abortion Alternative Alliance and we are here for Life!

Who 911 Babies Is

We are Christians, what is a Christian in Acts 11:26 KJV it states “And the disciples were called Christians” the disciples were followers of Jesus Christ. As a Christian we are not simply followers of a religion but we are called “Live Like Jesus”, Christianity is a way of Life! It is God showing His love for us and through us.
True Christians are not weaklings who stand for whatever the world offers, we are soldiers who embrace the core truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ which cannot be compromised. Whenever people or groups attempt to destroy or undermine the true Church of Jesus Christ and the core truths of the Gospel, extreme measures are called for, we are that measure, we are called to show our passion for Life. To us the P.A.S.S.I.O.N. for Life, stands for Power Anointed Servants Save Innocent Ones NOW! In America and beyond lives are truly at stake and the Church in America must use every Spiritual weapon, gifts, and any means to show it’s Love and Compassion for the least of these, for the Innocent Ones. This battle is one that must be fought, we are called to turn the heart of America back to the truth of Jesus Christ and give them a Passion for Life. Amen.


AMEN = A-abortion M-must E-end N-now

PASSION = P-Power A-Anointed S-Servants S-Save I-Innocent O-Ones

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Information taken from 911 Babies Website & Facebook Group Page

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