How awesome is the God that I serve! 700k plus pageviews! I given God the glory for the increase! This blog ministry is His!
700k pageviews
Courageous Christian Father just surpassed 700,000 total pageviews. God given the glory!
702,997 total at the time this screenshot was taken, April 12, 2016 at 13:23 (1:23 pm). I believe it was a day or two ago that it did surpass the 700k mark.
I will also share other info that can be seen in this screenshot.
- 1,379 published blog post
- 423,619 total unique visitors.
- January 16, 2016 was my best day with 4,805 pageviews. (Best ever in one day)
- Sunday is the best day of the week for visits
- 22:00 (10 pm) hour best hours of the day for visits.
It has been awhile since I last shared a milestone like this.
I believe in 2013 is when God really began to move in this blog ministry. That is when I started to see huge increases in traffic. Everyone that comes and visits, God has a purpose for that that visit.
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Please also keep Courageous Christian Father Blog Ministry in your prayers.
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