60 Things To Do During A Quarantine

60 Things To Do During A Quarantine - Here is a compiled list of things you can do during a quarantine. #Quarantine What else can we add?

60 Things To Do During A Quarantine – Here is a compiled list of things you can do during a quarantine. #Quarantine What else can we add?

60 Things To Do During A Quarantine

60 Things To Do During A Quarantine - Here is a compiled list of things you can do during a quarantine. #Quarantine What else can we add?
  1. Read your Bible!
  2. Pray often!
  3. Share your faith on social media!
  4. Attend Church Online!
  5. Zoom your Small Group / Sunday School
  6. Start a Blog
  7. Learn a new language.
  8. Learn to cook or cook something new.
  9. Write Journal Entries.
  10. Start a YouTube Channel and post videos

11-20 –>

| 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 |

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