50 More Blog Writing Prompts - Can't think of something to write on your blog. Check out these 50 blog writing prompts. #WritingPrompts

50 More Blog Writing Prompts – Can’t think of something to write on your blog. Check out these 50 blog writing prompts. #WritingPrompts

In order to have 50 more, there had to have been some others previously posted. So, Check out these 135 Blog Post Ideas for other ideas too. Now to the list of fifty …

50 More Blog Writing Prompts - Can't think of something to write on your blog. Check out these 50 blog writing prompts. #WritingPrompts
  1. What did you learn to type on?
  2. Favorite State Park or National Park? Why?
  3. What have you won? Radio? Text? TV? Newspaper? Etc.?
  4. Have you ever been on? Radio? TV? Newspaper? Etc.?
  5. Favorite Restaurant? Why?
  6. Favorite Music Genre? Why?
  7. Share memories you have.
  8. Share lessons learned the hard way.
  9. Tips on how to do something.
  10. Share your experiences.
  11. Do or did you go to home school, e-school (online) or public school? Why?
  12. Favorite subject in school. Why?
  13. Describe yourself in one word?
  14. Your Top Ten Songs and why?
  15. Your Top Ten Movies and why?
  16. Your Top Ten TV Shows and why?
  17. Have you ever been to jail? If so Why?
  18. Share about your favorite hobby?
  19. Share about the day you got baptized!
  20. Share what you like best about your church.
  21. Share what you like least about your church.
  22. Why do you to the church you attend?
  23. Do you like Traditional? Temporary? Blended? Worship Style?
  24. Share about a recent Christian Concert Experience? What was it like? Who was playing? Did you buy in Merch? Etc.
  25. Do you like snow? Share why or why not.
  26. Do you like rain? Share why or why not.
  27. Share your experience at the beach.
  28. Share your experience in the mountains.
  29. Share about your experience on a ship.
  30. Share about your experience in an airplane.
  31. Do you get writers block? If so, what do you do to break those blocks and writing again?
  32. Have you ever had to use first aid? If you can share, feel free to share what you can.
  33. Share about your experience being in a bridal party.
  34. Share about your experience planning for your a wedding, your own, a friends, family members, etc.
  35. What diets have worked for you?
  36. What diets haven’t worked for you?
  37. Do you exercise? If so, tell us why and what you do. If you don’t, tell us why.
  38. What board games do you like? Why?
  39. Do you use public transportation? Bus? Train? Tram? Trolley? Etc.? If so, why? What is your experience?
  40. One time at church __________. Fill in the blank about an usual experience you had at church.
  41. Do you hunt? If so, what do you hunt? Why?
  42. On my morning commute to work / school, I ___________. Fill in the blank.
  43. On my evening commute home, I ___________. Fill in the blank.
  44. If I could go back to school, I would major in ________. Fill in the blank and tell us why.
  45. Favorite Soft Drink? Why? (Like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Sprite, Sweet Tea, etc.)
  46. Is it Coke? Soda? Pop? Etc. Why?
  47. What is your favorite day of the week? Why?
  48. Which Shift do you prefer to work? 1st? 2nd? 3rd? (Mid-Shifts between any of these?) Why?
  49. Medical Conditions you wish to share.
  50. Feature Courageous Christian Father in a future blog post.

Hey I had to try to get a plug for this blog! That is why I put it as number fifty on this list. If you use any of these, feel free to comment with a link to that post. If you like, you can give credit to this list as why you are writing that blog post too.

More Blog Post Writing Prompts!


Below are some more blog post writing prompts to check out as well.

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