50+ Breeds of Cats – Here is a huge list of different breeds of cats. #BreedsofCats

50+ Breeds of Cats


Below is a list of 50 breeds or types of cats.

  1. Abyssinan
  2. American Bobtail
  3. American Curl
  4. American Shorthair
  5. American Wirehair
  6. Balinese
  7. Bengal
  8. Birman
  9. Bombay
  10. British Shorthair
  11. Burmese
  12. Calico
  1. Chartreux
  2. Chinese Li Nua
  3. Colorpoint Shorthair
  4. Cornish Rex
  5. Devon Rex
  6. Egyptian Mau
  7. European Burmese
  8. Exotic Shorthair
  9. Ginger
  10. Harvana Brown
  11. Himalayan
  12. Japanese Bobtail
  13. Korat
  14. La Perm
  15. Main Coon Cat
  16. Manx
  17. Munchkin
  18. Norwegian Forest Cat
  19. Ocicat
  20. Oriental
  21. Persian
  22. Peterblad
  23. Pixiebob
  24. Ragdoll
  25. Ragamuffin
  26. Russian Blue
  27. Savannah
  28. Scottish Fold
  29. Selkirk Rex
  30. Siamese
  31. Siberian
  32. Singapura
  33. Somali
  34. Sphynx
  35. Tonkinese
  36. Tortoiseshell
  37. Toyger
  38. Turkish Angora
  39. Turkish Van
Photo by Mircea Iancu on Pexels.com

Is there a type or breed of cat that I forgot that needs added to the list?

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