5 quirky facts about cats – Here are five quirky facts about your feline friend the cat. #Cat

5 quirky facts about cats


Think you know everything there is to know about your favorite feline friend?

Think you know everything there is to know about your favorite feline friend?

Photo by Amir Ghoorchiani on Pexels.com

1. Tough tongue: Cats’ tongues are covered with little structures called “filiform papillae,” which are like tiny hooks pointing toward the throat. These hook-like structures help hold food while a cat is eating. The papillae also help with grooming. Humans can feel these barbs when licked by cats.

2. Sleepy time: Cats are born loungers and will spend on average 16 hours of the day snoozing. Only sloths spend more time asleep.

3. Meeeoooowww: Cats only meow to communicate with humans, not amongst themselves. (Learn more about the Cat’s Meow and the sound the cat makes around the world.)


4. Kindle: not just for reading: A group of kittens is called a “kindle,” while a group of cats is a “Clowder.”

5. Noseprints: Cats’ and dogs’ noses are unique, just like human fingerprints.

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Compliments of Metro Creative.

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