3 Steps to Tearing Down the Walls

3 Steps to Tearing Down the Walls. I talk about our own walls and even discuss about the Berlin Walls, Walls of Jericho and Walls of the temple.

Berlin Wall


Berlin Wall, divided Berlin, German from 1961 to 1989, is a famous wall that perhaps most of us all have heard about and that it came down. The Berlin Wall was also called the Anti-Fascist Protective Wall. Walls are usually erected to protect you from something. Walls are usually made to keep good inside, while leaving the bad outside. Not to mention, walls put up became a protection barrier. Most walls also had means to help defend itself.

Our Own Walls

We often build up walls on our emotional, physical and spiritual person as well. Most of the time these walls come up from Pride and other times from experiences of being hurt. Also, we have our personal walls put up this wall as a form of protection. We don’t realize that our true protection is our stronghold, God our Father. That is why I want to share with you three steps to tearing down the walls, as shown below.

3 Steps to Tearing Down the Walls

3 Steps to Tearing Down the Walls

1. Be Patient

We must learn to wait on God. Be still and know He is God. Psalm 37:7. Everything happens according to God time, not our time. We may not think the timing is right, but God knows when the prefect time is. We must trust Him in His timing. Not to mention, we must not get tired of doing what is good either. (Galatians 6:9)

2. Be Quiet

Being quiet is a must! Part of being quiet is allowing ourselves to be open to God and allowing Him to speak to us. We must get unplugged from stuff and turn off the distractions around us. Not focus on our worries either. When we get quiet we can then hear God speak to us. God often will speak to us in a soft gentle voice. Walls of distraction, we will often miss what He is telling us to do. Part of being quiet means we should be patient. Part of being quiet is knowing when to say something and when not to say something. A Wise man knows how to control his tongue, as stated throughout the Book of Proverbs.

3. Be Obedient

Know when the right time is to shout. God will tell us when the time is right and to no longer be silent. This is the time we must be obedient and shout! A loud shout! A shout with confidence. I mean a bold, unashamed confidence. Look at the people of Jericho and how they followed God’s instruction. The had to be quiet and they had to have patience for God’s timing. When that time was right they gave the shout and the walls came down. When these walls came down, it allowed for God’s chosen people to take over the city. Check out this blog post on The Walls of Jericho.


[pullquote]We need to be patient and be quiet and know when the time is to shout by being obedient![/pullquote]

Even Jesus Christ was patient, he was quiet and he even was obedient. Jesus Christ was obedient until His death on the Cross. When Christ died on the cross, he broke down the walls on the temp. The Bible says the curtain or veil tore in half and the rocks split. (See Matthew 27:51).

When the curtain split and the walls fell down, that gave us immediate access to God our Father. We can go to Him directly. I am so glad that Christ was obedient to the Will of the Father to give us this access and for dying for our sins.

We need patience and be quiet and know when the time is to shout by being obedient! When we do this we can tear down the walls by faith, that we build up to try to protect us from elements. We just have to remember that we are in the hands of God. There is no safer place than in the Hands of God. If God is for us, who can be against us. Romans 8:31. Part of this includes prayer and staying in the Word of God and giving Him total trust of the situation.

3 Steps to Tearing Down the Walls.

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