2021 year in review - Check out the states and fireworks that Courageous Christian Father had in 2021.

2021 year in review – Check out the states and fireworks that Courageous Christian Father had in 2021.

2021 year in review

2021 year in review - Check out the states and fireworks that Courageous Christian Father had in 2021.

I published 447 blog posts in 2021. December was the best month of Pageviews for 2021. 2021 was the best year of total Pageviews in a year overall in all blogging. Yet, I still haven’t surpassed the best day yet, which was in 2019.

I even reached 3 million overall Pageviews in 2021.

Top 10 posts

  1. 5 Advent Candles and Their Meaning
  2. The 6 Panel Door: The Cross & The Bible
  3. 5 Acronyms for Fear
  1. Serenity Prayer
  2. Easter Story Snack Mix Printable
  3. Free Bible Verses via SMS
  4. The Legend of the Sand Dollar Printable
  5. Free Christian Music Downloads
  6. The Hidden Meaning of the 12 Days of Christmas
  7. Before you speak … THINK acronym

Top 10 countries

  1. United States
  2. United Kingdom
  3. Canada
  4. Philippines
  5. Australia
  6. India
  7. South Africa
  8. Nigeria
  9. Singapore
  10. Germany

Top 10 Referring sites

  1. Search engine
  2. Pinterest
  3. WordPress App / Reader
  4. Facebook
  5. Twitter
  6. AMP
  7. LinkedIn
  8. YouTube
  9. Feeds
  10. Email

So a lot of fireworks happened in 2021 and I hope 2022 will be more. All credit is given to God and all the glory is given to God. Without Him, none of this would have been possible.

Jetpack, I sure do miss those emails you use to send on the stats.

I have had this domain since 2012. So next year, 2022, will mark 10 years blogging at this domain.

Previous Years Blogging Reviews

Check out Courageous Christian Father’s Wish list on Amazon where you can purchase and this items sent directly to him and they will be used for the ministry.

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Below are some examples of blog entries from all the blogs that I do. (Courageous Christian Father, Steve Sews Stuff, SteveZ DuckZ, and SteveZ DesignZ). 

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