I show off the coupon box that I made. I tell how I made it briefly. Categories I used, etc. #CouponBox
Year: 2012
Did Jesus Exist? Many people today believe that there is no evidence that. This video examples of historical evidence for Jesus of Nazareth as well as early Christianity.
Uniqueness of the Bible – What evidence is there that the Bible is the Word of God? One piece of evidence is the fact that among all the books of the world, the Bible is in a class by itself. – Justin Breeden
Find out why I stopped using the Where’s George currency tracking website. It deals with God and bill notes. #WheresGeorge
Recipe for a yummy treat Strawberry-Banana Nutella Panini – Strawberries, Bread, Nutella, Powdered Sugar. Very easy to make.
What does the acronym to Family and Joy mean? Did you know they both have something in common when it comes down to the acronym meaning? Find out by reading this blog entry.
I talk and review my thoughts about the fitbit Ultra Tracker pedometer. It is more then a pedometer. It can track steps, distance, calories burned, sleep and even stairs climbed. Find out my review by reading this blog entry.
I resolved to be a godly father! I took the Resolution, that is the pledge off of the movie Courageous. Do you resolve to be a godly father, to be the spiritual leader of your home that God designed us to be?