Eagle Scout
“Once an Eagle Scout, Always an Eagle Scout!”
July 3, 2014 marks my 20th year of being an Eagle Scout. I passed my board-of-review on July 3, 1994, marking when I officially attained the highest rank in the Boy Scouts of America. I know it took a lot to get it. It is a great honor and achievement.
I remember I worked at Camp Ba-Yo-Ca then. I worked as a camp counselor. I remember I had to leave camp go for my board-of-review and then come back.
However, My plaque is dated for July 5th. But my board-of-review was on the 3rd. Mainly maybe due to the fact that the 4th of July is a holiday. I believe that usually do the certificates the next business day.

The above picture of me is from my Eagle Scout Banquet held March 14, 1995. This banquet was held to honor all the Eagles Scouts class of 1994 in the Great Smoky Mountain Council. My sponsor was Daryl Akins of Akins & Tombras Public Relations.
I had my Eagle Scout ceremony at the church I was attending at that time Alice Bell Baptist in Knoxville on September 4th 1994. Jim Duncan Jr Senate representative for him to come to present me with The United States of America Flag was flown over the Capitol.
I know that I have got a lot of jobs simply because I am an Eagle Scout. Most of my job interviews pertained mostly to Scouting. I was a member of Troop 26 in Knoxville, TN. We meet at Washington Pike United Methodist Church. When I’m at positions that I enjoy doing was Chaplain Aide.
For my Eagle Scout project I did landscaping at the church I was a member of at that time, Alice Bell Baptist Church.
In my early adult years, I served as an Assistant Scoutmaster for a few Boy Scout Troops.
I am also a lifetime member of the National Eagle Scout Association.
I think another great accomplishment in Scouting that I did was earning my God and Country award. I attained it before my Eagle, most people earn it after their Eagle.
Check out my other Scouting related blog post …
- The Scout Law – A Christian Point of View
- God: The Basis Behind Scouting
- Greatest Achievement
- 100th Anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America
- Double Scouting Holiday
- To Succeed you need the 3 D’s
- Isaiah 40:31 My Favorite Bible Verse and Why
Looking back at my 2 binders and scrapbooks that I have brought back some good memories of Scouting.
Are you an Eagle Scout if so tell me what troop, what Council and when you earned earned your Eagle.
Two other fellow Scouts in my troop earned there Eagle same time I did … Shaun Jordan and Brian Mynatt.
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Now I really feel old
I was there that day.
Shaun Jordan my brother, I am older than you. Now you made me feel even older. LOL
Carrie Hoover Self where has the time gone?
Good question.
Let’s face it guys we r all old. Lol.
Yes we are and the older we get the faster time flies by us. I remember when we were young, say the 20 years ago or so. It seems stuff would never get here, now its like man its here, and wow here again.
Yap that’s the truth.
Praise God
Scouting has helped to instill the characters of God, Country and Self. In that order.