15 Talks along the Walk to Emmaus – The Walk to Emmaus a walk to help your spiritual walk and grow closer to Christ. #WalktoEmmaus #EmmausCommunity #Emmaus

If you haven’t gone on a walk yet,
please wait until after your walk to look at these!
This is intended for those who have been on a walk to or those who might be presenting one of the lessons on the walk.
When you are on this three day Walk to Emmaus, you go on 15 Talks. If you click on the links below they will take you to my notes on each one of these talks. I was on the Walk to Emmaus in the Great Smoky Mountain Emmaus Community. I was seated at the Table of Stephen in 1998.
I wanted to share my notes from my walk with you. Maybe these notes can help anyone who is going to be a leader teaching these walks or even someone who just left their walk and want to dig dipper. I hope the can bless you and help you. Thanks!
15 Talks along the Walk to Emmaus – The Walk to Emmaus a walk to help your spiritual walk and grow closer to Christ. #WalktoEmmaus #EmmausCommunity #Emmaus Share on XI put the topics under a spoiler tag. Please only click it if you have been on your walk already and want to dig deeper or if you are a leader and wanted more notes on that topic.
The objective of Emmaus is to inspire, challenge, and equip the local church members for Christian action in their homes, churches, communities and places of work. Emmaus lifts up a way for our grace-filled lives to be lived and shared with others. 1
15 Talks on the Walk to Emmaus
[spoiler title=’Click If You Are A Leader or Completed Your Walk!’ style=’steelblue’ collapse_link=’true’]
- Priorities
- Prevenient Grace
- Priesthood of All Believers
- Justifying Grace
- Life in Piety
- Growth Through Study
- Means of Grace
- Christian Action
- Obstacles to Grace
- Discipleship
- Changing our World
- Sanctifying Grace
- The Body of Christ
- Perseverance
- 4th Days
The Walk to Emmaus is primarily done via the United Methodist Church, but other churches do them as well. It claims it is non-denominational.
Walk to Emmaus is part of The Upper Room for more information visit emmaus.upperroom.org
1. About Emmaus
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Steve Patterson, I love the fact that you love christian music, its funny because when my husband gets into my car all my stations are on the same station lol. KLOVE after 18 years of marriage he is finally going to church and is very much involved with it. He helps me with the music ministry and setting up all the equipment along with other people from our church. He and I never thought we would get here. I only have to say that the Lord is GOOD!!!! Amen
That is awesome the car stays on K-Love. I am glad to hear he is going to church too. God is always in the saving business.
I noticed at the bottom of the talk outlines there was a button for printing, I do not know much about building these kind of sites, but can a “Save File” type of button be placed on the page to just save it instead of Printing? It would be easier for me to be able to just open and read each one in a word processing or PDF application. Editable formats would be best for copy and paste capabilities. Thank you for putting these up so others might enjoy reading and studying to help them for their own talks. Gods Blessings to you and yours in the name of Jesus Christ!
I don’t have pdf formats at this time.
Hi Steve, This is a poem I wrote following my Walk to Emmaus in 1996. I do not mind if anyone wants to use this as long as it is printed as is in full. I often give this to someone who has just gone on a walk. I put it in with my letters to new Pilgrims. Please feel free to post and or copy. It’s called “My Encounter with Christ.” I usually use “Times New Roman” font “size 11” and “Bold” the type and use “center justification” to print. It makes a nice gift to a new pilgrim. A nice parchment paper to print it on is good and makes it suitable for framing.
I had an encounter this weekend with my Lord
He looked a little different somehow
I actually didn’t recognize him for a while
That is, until the breaking of the bread
Sounds rather like the story from the gospel of Luke
Where two men were walking to the town of Emmaus
Jesus came up and walked along with them
But, they didn’t recognize him either
A group of us decided to go on this encounter together
Most of us looking like we might have lost our best friend
Similar perhaps to those men walking to Emmaus
Who just a few days earlier had lost theirs
Over the course of our encounter, we also were deep in conversation
Not about the events of the past few days but about things like
Priorities, Prevenient Grace and the Priesthood of all believers
Justifying Grace, Life of Piety and Growth through Study
We talked about Means of Grace, Christian Action
Obstacles to Grace, Discipleship, and Changing our World
We even talked about, Sanctifying Grace and the Body of Christ
We also talked about Perseverance and the concept of Fourth Days.
Many actions, mostly unseen, were happening at the same time
Behind the scenes not unlike angels to the naked eye
Prayers were being offered, as we passed this time together
Fellow travelers praising God, knowing, smiling, reminiscing
The floodgates of God’s love were opened wide before us
And I became like the blind man who recovered his sight
In my brokenness my burdens were lifted from me and I was healed
And in that moment, I recognized him
He had walked with me from the beginning
He had sat around my table, and spoke to me from the podium
He talked with me as we had our meals together
He held my hand in prayers and shared in our discussions
He taught us the songs we would sing for our meals
He kept the coffee and the snacks flowing
He was every fellow traveler who has ever gone on this encounter
He was Jesus, and I recognized him by his love
Kevin M. Brodie
Walk #76 Louisville, KY
Forest Park Community Church
Table of John
Awesome thank you for sharing
If you want, I can create a pdf version of your poem you wrote, if you would like.