10 Benefits of Handing Out Gospel Tracts

10 Benefits of handing out Gospel Tracts – Regardless if someone is recessive or not to receiving one or not, we still must try. We are ALL called to the Gospel. #GospelTracts

Benefits of handing out Gospel Tracts - Regardless if someone is recessive or not to receiving one or not, we still must try. We are ALL called to the Gospel. #GospelTracts | Patterson‘S Gospel Tract Box.
Patterson’s Gospel Tract Box. | Photo Credit: Steve Patterson

Some of these benefits include:


  1. It can proclaim the gospel and can plant a seed.
  2. They can go places you cannot go and places you can. Often they may be passed on and on to others.
  3. It can help break the ice and make conversation starters. These often can be great gateways to presenting the gospel.
  4. It doesn’t take much to hand them out. You can hand them out to everyone you come in contact with.
  5. Easy to store and keep handy. (See Gospel Tract Box Image on this blog post)
  6. You can leave them in random spots too.
  7. Usually inexpensive to do your own or get printed. Business card sizes work great.
  8. A gospel tract can allow the reader to refer to it again for Bible references and follow up.
  9. Gospel tracts can be sent in the mail with your letters, bills, packages, etc.
  10. They can often do the witnessing when we can’t.

Yes, some people may rip it up or toss in in the garbage. That is on them, not you. What is on you is being obedient to share the gospel, including handing out a gospel tract.

I even complied a list of places that can send you free gospel tracts to hand out.

I have blogged a good bit about gospel tracts. I even have one one places to hand them out, basically using gospel tracts.

I got this blog post idea from this blog post:

What are some other benefits not listed?

Feel free to share other benefits of handing out Gospel tracts in the comments below.

One thing to do is check to make sure the gospel tract you are handing out is sound Biblically.

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3 thoughts on “10 Benefits of Handing Out Gospel Tracts

  1. I like that you said that gospel tracts could proclaim the gospel and plant a seed and could allow the reader to refer to it again for Bible references. With this in mind, I will be sure to shop for gospel tracts that I could distribute during Sunday service. I could imagine how these tracts could help me reach out to people so they would be reminded to depend on God for their sufferings.

    1. Gospel tracts can also be handed out every day and to everyone you possibly come in contact with too. Plus left in random spots. Thank you for visiting and your comment.

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