This is the new Left Behind Movie, 2014. It stars Nicolas Cage, as Rayford Steele. It came out to theaters October 3, 2014. I got to go see it October 4.  Below is the story line taken from Left Behind’s Web site.

Left Behind is an apocalyptic Action-Thriller movie starring Nicolas Cage based on the New York Times bestselling novel that brings biblical prophecy to life in modern times.

The most important event in the history of mankind is happening right now. In the blink of an eye, the biblical Rapture strikes the world. Millions of people disappear without a trace. All that remains are their clothes and belongings, and in an instant, terror and chaos spread around the world. The vanishings cause unmanned vehicles to crash and burn. Planes fall from the sky. Emergency forces everywhere are devastated. Gridlock, riots and looting overrun the cities. There is no one to help or provide answers. In a moment, the entire planet is plunged into darkness.

The Steele family is caught on the razor’s edge of that darkness. RAY STEELE, an airline pilot, struggles to calm, and ultimately to save the lives of the passengers that remain on his flight, as the world below loses its ability to help his plane, and any other to safety. Running out of fuel, his equipment failing, his crew escalating into panic, Ray must guide the plane with the help of GWN reporter, CAMERON “BUCK” WILLIAMS who takes over the role of co-pilot in the face of the crisis. For Buck Williams, being trapped at 30,000 feet with a plane full of terrified passengers means a struggle to understand the incomprehensible.

On the ground, Ray’s daughter CHLOE STEELE struggles to find her young brother and mother, both of whom may have disappeared in the Biblical event. Forcing herself through the chaos, Chloe must navigate a world filled with terror and despair.1

I actually enjoyed this movie. It is nothing like the original with Kirk Cameron.I had moments of tears while watching this movie as well.

I have not fully studied eschatology, the study of the end of times. It is however, one of my classes for my theology degree. There are several stances on how the end of times occur and it depends if you believe in Postmillennial, Ammillennial, Premillennial, or Dispensational. Since I can work on my classes in any order, I may start my eschatology class soon, and share some stuff that I learn while taking the class.

One thing I noticed, the Bible does say he will call the dead first, then the living by the sound of a trumpet. I never heard the trumpet sound. Left Behind make it seems it will be done in secret and at night time. See 1 Thessalonians 4:16 in the pullquote. As you can see it says, Loud. As in everyone will hear and know. It won’t be done in secret like in the movie.

[pullquote]For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.2[/pullquote]

Some say the secret part is where he will come like a thief at night. See 1 Thessalonians 5:2; 2 Peter 3:10 and Revelation 16:15. Honestly I do not believe it will be at night when he comes, it was using a metaphor, night meaning darkness, those who are in sin and not saved, He will come like a thief to them. But those who are truly saved will be waiting.

Regardless how Jesus may come back, the point is are you ready? I think the movie does help raise awareness of the rapture and the second coming of Jesus. Maybe it will help those saved to research more into the end of times so they will be ready. We are never promised tomorrow. Who knows for the lost, maybe it will shed some light on them what possibly could happen.

I also think the movie leaves you to know there will be a Left Behind II. I think it will be in a 3 part series as well like the original. Maybe in the second Left Behind, we may get a clearer stance on the point of view of the rapture this movie is trying to portray.

The movie ends by showing Mark 13:32. It doesn’t show the full verse. Below is the full verse from the King James Version:

 But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.

If you saw this movie, please feel free to share your comments.

So the overall question I have for you is …

Another movie to watch is In the Blink of an Eye.

2. 1 Thessalonians 4:16

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4 thoughts on “Left Behind (Review & Trailer)

  1. I have dug hard into eschatology in the last few years (cause it fascinates me). Having read Revelations and then venturing into Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah…there are so many indications that we are at the End of Days. I finally decided not to go to the the new release this weekend and instead watched Part II of the original KC version. I saw it the first time years ago and now realize how good it was.

  2. I was wondering if the gospel is presented in the movie? Also, as for the eschatological position of the movie I would be surprised if it didn’t represent the position of the authors of the book which is pretribulation, dispensational, premillennialism.

  3. I realize this is a pretty old post, but I feel lead to comment. So I was raised in a church, that started off beautiful, but took a devastating turn. If you are interested look it up on Wikipedia Community Chapel Bible training center. After the elders & Pastor split, my parents followed the pastor. God kept me safe through the craziness, but the church became obsessed with the end times. The pastor told the congregation God told him the rapture would happen in 10 years. I was like 7 years old although I would remind my parents nobody knows the exact time, i was just a kid what did I know. We were told not to plan for a future because we wouldn’t be here. All of us kids were shown movies like a thief in the night – image of the beast. We were scared & had nightmares from them. I was forced to go 3 times a week til I was 17 & refused to go back, confronting the elders. I’m 44 now & I believe God allowed me to go through all of that for a bigger purpose. He put something in me as a small girl that couldnt stand legalism, hypocrisy & the religious spirit. Since then I have developed a intimate relationship with the God head 3 in 1. He has been giving me revelations for the last 7 years & my husband as well. One of the things we both keep hearing. Is how much the Bible is taken out of context. How much it is misinterpreted & how much he is misrepresented. Recently he’s put it on our hearts to read Revelations out of the message, something the religious spirit had kept alot of Christians from doing. They call it blasphemy. But that’s what the pharisees said about Jesus too. So you mentioned the scripture about how it will come as a thief in the night. I agree with your opinion, that it’s a metaphor to be ready. Because we never know when Jesus will return & we want to be prepared with enough oil for our lamps. The Thessaloniians scripture is the one I’ve often heard in ideas of the rapture. But I’ve watched 2 videos on YouTube that lined up with my spirit and I felt truth & Godly wisdom in. They both spoke of the times that it was written. And how when a king would go out to battle the people would lead him out to the gate & when the battle was victorious they would again go out to greet the king at the gate & usher him back in. So since the Bible never actually says we will be raptured away. Just that 1 person will leave & 1 person will stay, who knows which is which. It is something to ask God about or do your own research to discern if the rapture is just a made up idea Christians adopted to divide themselves from the world more & escape evil. Either way I’m learning to trust God with whatever it is, knowing if I keep my focus on him & not become obsessed with the end times and end up missing him completely. But stay in communion with him, that none of these things will phase me & my family. Roman’s 8 actually says that these times coming will be an adventure for us who keep our eyes & hearts on him. But it’s really easy to get distracted and consumed by these events especially with us being in the end times. I’m not saying it’s not good to know what’s going on, because it is important to stay alert & use wisdom & discernment & not bury our heads in the sand. There’s just a fine line between research & obscession, I pray for myself & whoever reads this to not fall for the traps, but to stay on track with Jesus, being lead & guided by the holy spirit under the protection of our heavenly Papa.yes yes yes

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