I'm Not Ashamed

I’m Not Ashamed (Review & Trailer) – Based on the inspiring and powerful true story and journal entries of Rachel Joy Scott- the first student killed in the Columbine High School shooting in 1999.

I’m Not Ashamed (Review & Trailer)

Official Movie Trailer (2016)


About the movie

First came out in October 21, 2016. This film is concidered a biography. It is 1 hour and 52 minutes in length. The movie is also rated PG-13. Coming out on DVD and Pure Flix in 2017.

My take

It was a very interesting movie by Pure Flix. I believe it did bring up a good point about not being ashamed. The movie, I believe is suited for older children. It does show a lot of drinking in the movie and even implied sexual conduct. It also does show some violence in the movie too.

We have to understand this movie is from Rachel Joy Scott’s point of view based on her journal. I am sure other things may or may not have actually happened at the Columbine Shooting. This was mostly about the life of Rachel Joy Scott in my opinion than the Columbine Shooting. Watch Scott’s life unfold throughout this movie. How she transforms into a new creation later on in the movie.

One thing I find interesting the movie shows an art drawing that correlated with the number of students that died form the shooting.  According to CNN a total of 13 people died. 12 of these were students and one teacher. Some people showing videos, claim even more died form this tragic event, some claim around 15 to 20.

I know watching it a second time, I picked up some things that I didn’t the first time. But that usually is the case when you watch a movie more than once.


I did a SurveyMonkey and only got 6 entries in 3 days. I asked these four questions.

  1. Yes, I loved it.
  2. No, I hated it.
  3. So, So It was okay.
  4. Other

5 people responded with they they loved it. That came to 83.33% of those surveyed. 1 person said other. Making that 16.67%. I did ask them to fill in the other box and I also asked them to fill in a comment box about there take of the movie. What did they like the best, least, etc. Things that might have stood out to them.

The person that said other said they haven’t seen the movie yet.

Adam was one of the people that gave a comment about the movie. He said it was a “great movie to watch.” He was also one of the ones that said, Yes, I loved it.

Brenda Alexander was another person that gave a comment. They were one of the 5 that voted, Yes, I loved it. But in the comments they said this. “I hated it because it was true but loved that some are still willing to die for Jesus Christ. In our travels, I passed this school. I don’t understand this type of evil, it’s too foreign and nor do I want to understand it.” Alexander continued and said, “You can use my full name … I am not ashamed.

I did ask for a first name on this survey. Only three of the people gave their names. One of those that gave their name was the person that hadn’t seen the movie yet.

This person didn’t leave their name, but they did leave this comment. “It teaches we should stand up for our Faith no matter the cost. Luke 14:28.

Thanks to those who participated in the survey.

Friends Takes

Stacy Breeden: I really enjoyed the movie and thought it really showed how important we stand up for God even in the face of death because we never know how much we can influence others and who we may impact. We never know how something like that can bring people to Christ. Hopefully we won’t have to die like the girl in the movie or lose our job or be put in jail ect… For standing up for God but we should no matter the cost. Luke 14:28

Justin Breeden: The overarching theme of the movie was good – Christians are to confess Christ even if it costs them their lives. However, I thought that the movie was very weak regarding the events at Columbine high school and that it was very slow placed. Overall I was disappointed in the film.

I’m Not Ashamed Movie Poster

I'm Not Ashamed (Movie Poster)
I’m Not Ashamed (Movie Poster)

Bible Verses

Romans 1:16 –  For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ,

Luke 14:28 – For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it.

2 Corinthians 5:17 – Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

If we are ashamed of Christ before men. Christ will be ashamed of you before the Father. See Luke 9:26 and Mark 8:38.


“I’ve always been drawn to hands. I think it’s because it’s the way we touch people,” Columbine High School student Rachel Joy Scott wrote in her journal. “If one person could go out of their way to show compassion, it could start a chain reaction.”

Growing up, Rachel knew the love of God, but she wasn’t always ready to receive it. At times her faith was on fire … and at other times it was at odds with her everyday life.

As she wrote in her journal: “I don’t understand why having a walk with God is so hard for me. I’m so weak. At school, with friends, at work.”

Having reached a breaking point when her relationship with a non-believing boyfriend ended, Rachel found inspiration from her “big brother”—a former homeless teen she helped lead to Christ.

After praying, “Father, use my life to touch the world and let your light shine through me,” her renewed commitment to Jesus played out compassionately and powerfully at her high school … and around the world.

Pure Flix presents I’M NOT ASHAMED, the inspiring true story of Rachel Joy Scott at Columbine High School. When her hopes and dreams seemed to end, God was just getting started.

Now showing in theaters, I’M NOT ASHAMED stars Masey McLain, Ben Davies, Sadie Robertson, Korie Robertson, Jaci Velasquez, and Jennifer O’Neill.

Based on Rachel’s honest and heartfelt journals, I’M NOT ASHAMED is a hope-filled reminder that when we put our lives in God’s hands, we can make a world of difference.


I’m not going to apologize for speaking the NAME OF JESUS. If I have to sacricce everything, I will. Rachel Joy Scott

I am not going to hide the light that God has put in me. Rachel Joy Scott

Learn more at  imnotashamedfilm.com

I was asked by a representative of Pure Flix to review this movie. I was not given anything for this unbiased review. The Pure Flix banner does take you to an affiliate link.

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