Egg-Tastic Ceramic Microwave Egg Cooker Review – I was given an Egg-Tastic Ceramic Microwave Egg Cooker to do a blog review. I got to try it for the first time on September 22, 2015. I made me a scrambled eggs with toppings. It was simple to use!

Egg-Tastic Ceramic Microwave Egg Cooker Review
According to the instructions, you can cook up to 4 eggs (the fill line). If you are doing toppings then 2 eggs and toppings (to the fill line).
I cracked me two brown eggs. Then I Added some …
- Cracked Pepper
- pinch of salt
- Chai Seeds
- Parley
- Garlic Powder
- bacon pieces
- shredded cheese
You don’t need pans, sprays, oils, mixers, bowls.
The Egg-Tastic is easy!
Just Crack, Mix and Microwave!
It really is just that simple!
I put it in the microwave and cooked it for one minute and twenty seconds. It didn’t help that I was thinking, it said two eggs. I went to put my fork in it and noticed it was not cooked all the way. So I put it back in and cooked it for an additional minute.
Just a note: If you still have raw eggs inside the cooker, make sure to clean your fork or whisk completely or use a new one. If you don’t that can cause food born illnesses such as salmonella. The instructions don’t warn about that. I just know that is cross-contamination if you don’t clean the fork or whisk after handling raw eggs and then go back to completely cooked eggs. The instructions do tell you that between microwaving burst to stir the eggs.
I got done with my eggs and got to eat them. They were very yummy and fluffy. There were not oily as you don’t need oil to cook these eggs.
Clean up:
Now time for clean up. Clean up wasn’t that fun or was it easy. I used a cloth and still had a lining of eggs around the fill line. So I had to use a cleaning brush to clean it with. Don’t forget to remove the silicon base and seal and wash them separately and allow to dry.
What else?
I am looking forward to seeing what other stuff I can make in it with the eggs like breakfast sandwiches and other ways to cook the eggs.I am sure there are many, many ways you can cook eggs in the Egg-Tastic Ceramic Microwave Egg Cooker.
My daughter:
My daughter, who was 17, at the time of this post, was excited when I showed her what I had to review. She goes I have heard about those, they make really good eggs she told me.
It is a ceramic dish. It does get hot when used. Oven mitts are recommended to get them safely out of the microwave. It is not advised for small children to use because of that. It can burn you.
The Lid:
I love how the lid to the Egg-Tastic Ceramic Microwave Egg Cooker looks like a cooked egg either an egg over easy/medium/hard.
Prior to the Egg-Tastic Ceramic Microwave Egg Cooker:
I know in the past when you try to make eggs in the microwave they didn’t turn out that good.They would be dried out or such. Never seemed to get right. I always used a frying pan and pan fried my eggs and used a lot of oil to keep them from sticking.
I still may use a pan to fry eggs at times, but this is a great way if you are in a hurry and on the go, only thing is the ceramic pot does get hot, so you will need mitts to carry and remove the ceramic cooker from the microwave. But, I did notice that while I ate my eggs, they seemed to stay hot, if I put them on plate usually eggs get cool fast.
Taste of the Eggs:
But the Egg-Tastic Ceramic Microwave Egg Cooker made them yummy. They were not dried out either. That may be due to the lid and ceramic cooker design. I plan to use my Egg-Tastic Ceramic Microwave Egg Cooker to cook my eggs.
If you have a big family, you may want to order more than one. Maybe one per family member, that way each family member can have their eggs cooked the way they want them. Again, it is not recommend for young children to handle the Egg-Tastic Ceramic Microwave Egg Cooker.
Egg Prices:
I do know egg prices are on the rise as I post this blog review. It almost seems you can get a dozen eggs from a local farmer for as much as in the grocery store now. So support your local farmer and buy eggs from them if you can.
The Egg-Tastic …
- Is top rack dishwasher safe
- Is Fragile
- Great to take to work
- Made in China
- Retails for $10
- Ceramic design w/silicon seal and base
- Let you just cook the egg whites too
- Is an As Seen on TV Product
No recipe guide:
One that that stood out to me, usually items like this give you recipes that you can use for their product. The Egg-Tastic Ceramic Microwave Egg Cooker didn’t give you any. Just how to cook the eggs and suggestions to add toppings. They just gave you a cooking guide based on the number of eggs and how long to cook them.
Tips & Recipes
I was given this link for Tips and Recipes for the Egg-Tastic Ceramic Microwave Egg Cooker.
It also includes a link to download a pdf file of recipes including a fluffy rice recipe, so you can cook just more than eggs … Rice too!
More information and order yours visit
I was given a free Egg-Tastic Ceramic Microwave Egg Cooker to test and do a honest un-baised review.
Egg-Tastic™ is a trade-marked name. #EggTastic (Review for fuelmywebsite / fuelmyblog)
Check out The Broken Egg and The Chicken or the Egg.
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